2 Replies to “Happy 4th of July”

  1. Dear Kimberly:

    You captured the joy of parenthood and childhood with the twin “S”s and their parents. As the Dad and step mom of the father we are constantly amazed by all four of them and their courage, strength, love and resilience. It took and will always take a lot of strength in their dealings but we are so proud of all four and their determination to make the best of a situation that if it had happened to other people…they may have taken the easy way out. Thanks! You are a wonderful artist and I look forward to the complete gallery of your shots of our son, daughter in law, and grandsons.

    Frank & Diane

  2. Thank-you so much for taking time to post such a thoughtful post Frank and Diane. I know I’ve only met this family one time but I can understand how proud they must make you. They are wonderful parents and those are two happy boys. I know you are waiting to see the rest of the gallery and they will be ready really, really soon. Even within the next day or two. Thank-you again and I’m happy you liked the sneak peek. Kim

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